Strength through independence
In capiton, both the management and the seller have the support of a reliable and responsible partner that has already successfully helped many companies in this specific situation. The carve-out from the group is just the start. Because defining, strengthening and expanding a new position in the market calls for a clear strategy, which in turn gives rise to other plans and measures. The carve-out process therefore results in a new, independent and powerful market player.
The path to independence
There are many facets to the independence that follows the successful carve-out of a business unit, including the opportunity to finally make decisions independently of the group. Frameworks previously experienced as restrictive no longer apply, allowing the company to be more flexible, make investments and seize market opportunities.
At the same time, however, the new company will miss out on the positive aspects of belonging to a group after the carve-out, such as greater purchasing power or services that could previously be readily accessed in-house. In these circumstances, capiton’s extensive experience allows it to give the new company advice and support with its new independence.
Following the carve-out, we now have a stronger and more professional setup for implementing our growth and acquisitions plans.Prefere Resins
Find out more about our former participation in Prefere Resins.
Basic philosophy
One of capiton’s key principles is to consistently pursue the same goals as our portfolio companies and their management. For us, it’s not about making fast profits at any price, but about long-term healthy prospects for your company and its workforce.
At capiton we aim for solid growth that fully leverages a company’s potential. This is why we generally set aside additional capital for our portfolio companies to enable them to consistently finance and implement their growth strategies. Excessive levels of debt are also not part of our philosophy.
During the dynamic value appreciation phase, capiton provides active support and expertise, without getting involved in the operational side of your business. You will benefit from our extensive experience of similar cases.
Ultimately you will have created a company that is unique on the market. It will be well equipped for the future, provide a secure workplace for your employees, and will be more valuable than ever. It will be a company that you, your workforce, and indeed we can be proud of. Your very own company.